The drive down there was brutal and as we neared their foster home, we stopped to get dressed so that we could look our best. By the time we drove up to the house our hearts were pounding and we grabbed hands and held onto each other as tight as we could while knocking on the door. Once we got inside it took a minute for our boys to come around the corner but then all the sudden there they were and all we could do was smile and laugh. The boys face literally lit up and they both came right up to us and gave us hugs and invited us to come sit down with them in the kitchen where they were enjoying some candy that their foster mom had given them. What was funny was they had no idea that we were even going to be there, all their foster mom told them was that they had visitors coming and it was a surprise. The boys instantly took to us and the more we talked the more excited they got! We were hugged, loved on, and told that they knew we'd come for them. Our littlest looked at me and smiled and said, "hey do you remember when we met at that party?! It was so much fun!" All I could do was smile and nod and tell him of course and I haven't forgotten about him and have always thought about him since that day. They talked A LOT and at one point both of our boys even said out loud, "I wish to be adopted right now!" That right there brought immediate joy to my heart as I thought we'd never hear them speak those words so easily. We laughed, smiled, got teary eyed, and took pictures. It was above and beyond what we ever thought it could be. We never expected it to go that well, at all.
When it was time for us to leave for the evening and head to the hotel, we told the boys it was time for us to go but also let them know that we'd be there the next day to spend the day with them. Boy you'd have thought it was Christmas! Both of them said, "TOMORROW?! REALLY?! I want to go somewhere with you guys so bad!!" So we told them not to worry that we'd pick them up and have some fun. Our littlest stood in the doorway as we went to walk out and he grabbed my legs and gave me the biggest bear hug while looking up at me with a huge smile and beautiful brown eyes. When our oldest saw that he came over and hugged me too and my husband joined in just in time for my oldest to say, "OKAY GROUP HUG!!" It was so sweet. As we walked out Bobby and I were high fiving and laughing with tears in our eyes in full on cry mode when we got into the car. We were in awe.
The next day we got up super early and ordered engraved necklaces online and made plans to visit this petting zoo we thought the kids would enjoy. About 10:30am we arrived at the foster home just in time to see our youngest coming outside with a giant bag of trash twice his size carrying it to the garbage. As soon as he saw us he dropped it and immediately ran to the door to get ready, of course we stopped him and let him know that he had time to finish his chores before we left. Let me tell you I've never seen two kids get ready so fast in my entire life!! They were buzzing around the house and skipping here and there with one foot in the air putting socks and shoes on and getting their jackets, it was HILARIOUS! Lol! Once we got them strapped into the car we were on our way. When we got to the petting zoo they had the time of their lives! They got to feed goats, pigs, rabbits, turtles, longhorns, miniature horses, miniature cows, chickens, and an emu. They also each got to take a short ride on a pony and we snapped a ton of pictures. It was great and though they are active they were surprisingly very easy to keep up with. When it was time for us to leave our oldest didn't want anything to do with leaving but we let him know that we'd come back again some time so that put him at ease and we left to get pizza, our first meal as a real family. :) The kids were so well behaved and their table manners were really surprisingly great. I figured we'd have two little table hellions on our hands but that was not the case at all. It was so nice! As we were walking out the most beautiful thing came out of my oldest sons mouth. He squinted his little eyes threw his hands up in the air he said, "You know, I just think that when I get adopted and go live with yall, my life is going to be AMAZING! Oh! This has just been the bestest day ever! I am having so much fun!!" Up until that point Bobby and I had held our emotions in to keep from freaking them out but when he said that I broke. Luckily he was walking in front of me and wasn't paying attention because I immediately put my hand over my mouth and started to sob quietly. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm getting emotional thinking about it now. If he only knew how long we have waited to have them...if he only knew.
Before we took the boys home, we stopped by the mall to pick up the necklaces we had made. The were each identical tags engraved with "A family forever" on one side and "1 Sam 1:27" on the other side with a cross charm on it as well. In the Bible 1 Samuel 1:27 reads, "For this child I have prayed, and the Lord granted me my petition which I have asked of Him." This scripture is so significant to our journey because from the moment we met our boys at the match event, Bobby and I prayed extensively and sought Gods provision for them specifically and as you can see, He granted us what we asked. It was so neat when we presented them with their gifts, they were both so happy and excited to have them and posed for pictures holding them up while wearing them around their necks. We explained to them that we got the necklaces so that they could have something to remind themselves that we are a family from now until forever no matter how far apart we are and that nothing was going to stop us from being together eventually.
Around 5pm we finally got them back to the foster home and had to say goodbye. Boy that was hard to do. The kids hugged us again and asked us when we'd be coming back so we reassured them that it would be very soon. As we drove away and out of San Antonio we felt like we were leaving a piece of ourselves behind. We instantly missed them and couldn't believe the miracle that had occurred in just 48 short hours. As of now Bobby and I have vowed to call them and visit as often as we can and can afford to do. We've spoken twice on the phone and each time it seems like it gets harder and harder to let them go. Just tonight our oldest son told us he loved us when he was letting us go and that got to us big time, we just never thought the love for these two little beings would grow so strongly and so quickly. Sure there is some trust to build in the future but with what's taken place in such a short time we're confident that it will happen much sooner than later.
As for a future visit we are planning to drive up and spend Easter weekend with them. This time they will be able to spend the night with us which should be a ton of fun. We are planning to stay in (the hotel), watch movies, and play games and wake up early to attend Easter service with them. I think their foster family is even having a celebration at their house that we will get to be apart of before we go home. We all are looking forward to that and the many more visits to come before they come home for good in the summer. I still don't know how we're going to make it until June but God's carried us this far so I'm sure He will continue to do so. ::sigh:: We will be complete in due time...
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