Sunday, July 21, 2013

Huge sports memorabilia donation

Many many thank you's to our dear friend Rick Meza for donating over $775 worth of sports memorabilia to our cause.  If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and are interested in obtaining any of these items, you may do so by donating their set donation amount in cash to us personally, or with your credit card via our account here:

Please indicate the item you are interested in by notating it the "personal note" section during your Fundly purchase process. 

We will update this list periodically as the items sell so make sure you check the list to see if your item is available. Whatever does not sell before August will be put in our garage sale; Date, Time, Location TBD.

**All of these items were personally obtained by Rick Meza or my husband Bobby himself. Not all of them have their COA's but the ones that do are indicated in the listing. All of these pieces are 100% authentic. My husband and his friend Rick are avid collectors and have met these players through numerous sporting events and signings.

**For those of you who have already donated and see an item on this list, please let us know and we will get it to you.

**Pick up or Drop Off locally only, we will not ship any of these items. 

**We cannot give any refunds through our side of the Fundly website so please make sure the item is available BEFORE you send your money. 


  1. Omg I love that I can update this list via Scribd without having to log into Blogger and repost the list every single time I have to mark something sold. THIS. IS. AWESOME.

  2. This list is updated frequently so everything you see that is not marked "sold" is still available. The hockey pucks were just added today! :)
