This approved and waiting thing is making me crazy. The only way I can describe it is it feels like everything is on hold. I mean after all we've gone through the past 9 months, now we're to the point to where we're suppose to just hang out and relax. IMPOSSIBLE!! I've found it extremely hard to get back into the groove of our normal life, prior adoption that is. I haven't grocery shopped or cooked at home much because when we had all these things we had to do to get our home ready for the adoption, often times we'd eat out somewhere and come home to get busy again. My cleaning schedule is off, we have laundry running out of our ears and everything is just in disarray. Prior to waiting, our weekends were full of things to do to and appointments to get to all for the sake of making a home for them and now we're just....HERE! Of course we have the fundraisers to keep us busy for the moment but when those come to a close and we're still not matched, what then? To be honest, this whole entire process has completely changed the dynamic in our home and Bobby and I are just existing to get to the next moment in our journey which is completing our family. We are both so excited for this new chapter of our life to begin but at the same time we have absolutely no control on when the page is going to turn; only God knows that. If there's anything that we've gained from going through our walk this far, it has been an abundance of faith, a new found love for each other, and love for two little children that we don't even know yet. Just today I was driving down the road listening to some music that is close to my heart, singing at the top of my lungs when all of the sudden it was like I could see our little girl in the rear view mirror singing at the top of her lungs with me!! Man tears just started streaming down my face and I realized there wasn't anymore sound coming out of my mouth. I know that sounds bizarre but these moments are happening again and again and again and with that happening, it's just not possible to turn around and pretend life is as it was before. Nothing is as it was, it's all changed and I'm not sure what to do with that. Regardless that we haven't found them yet, Bobby and I now carry a parents heart and like it or not, life will never be the same. Maybe it's time for us to adopt a new "normal" because the old normal just simply doesn't work anymore.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Huge sports memorabilia donation
Many many thank you's to our dear friend Rick Meza for donating over $775 worth of sports memorabilia to our cause. If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and are interested in obtaining any of these items, you may do so by donating their set donation amount in cash to us personally, or with your credit card via our account here:
Please indicate the item you are interested in by notating it the "personal note" section during your Fundly purchase process.
We will update this list periodically as the items sell so make sure you check the list to see if your item is available. Whatever does not sell before August will be put in our garage sale; Date, Time, Location TBD.
**All of these items were personally obtained by Rick Meza or my husband Bobby himself. Not all of them have their COA's but the ones that do are indicated in the listing. All of these pieces are 100% authentic. My husband and his friend Rick are avid collectors and have met these players through numerous sporting events and signings.
**For those of you who have already donated and see an item on this list, please let us know and we will get it to you.
**For those of you who have already donated and see an item on this list, please let us know and we will get it to you.
**Pick up or Drop Off locally only, we will not ship any of these items.
**We cannot give any refunds through our side of the Fundly website so please make sure the item is available BEFORE you send your money.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Official Seal Of Approval
Well we got our official approval letter complete with a certificate from Gladney today. Exciting times! We are so blessed to be apart of such a great organization dedicated to helping the orphan crisis worldwide. :)
Friday, July 19, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Harder than it looks...
Well today we sent in an inquiry about a sibling group of two, a boy and a girl, that caught our attention on the TARE website. I know I know, exciting times! Of course that's not to say that these are definitely our children because there is really so much that goes into finding the perfect match but it's definitely a step forward. The only thing that sort of concerns me is that ever since I sent the pic of the kids to Bobby he's been smiling about it and showing it off to everyone and I feel like it's going to be hard for him not to fall in love with every pic/match we receive. I mean really we have a lot more matching to do to be getting all pumped about the 1st inquiry. I'll be honest, I'm not really concerned for myself much because I have always had the ability to be very objective about things and I am very good about considering all aspects before jumping in, but Bobby sort of wears his heart on his sleeve and falls quickly. Don't get me wrong, the fact that he is naturally sensitive is one of my favorite attributes about him and I wouldn't change that for the world but I would really like for us to get through this matching process as painless as possible. Not sure how that's going to work out at this point though. I mean it's one thing to say you're not going to get attached right away, but it's another thing to see them and experience the possibilities without getting attached; that is so hard! I guess what it really boils down to is that humans were created with the amazing ability to fall in love and bond to one another all the while that same amazing ability can be the cause of a lot of heartache and pain. All we can do at this point is to hope and pray that we hear God's unmistakable voice leading us to the children he created for us so that we will not be scathed and sidetracked by all the wrong ones.
Please say a prayer for us!!
Please say a prayer for us!!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Photobook Complete!
Here is our COMPLETE Adoption Photobook. Geez it only took me a hundred years to finish. Our Caseworker had us print 3 copies as well so the order is in at Kinkos as we speak. I should be able to pick them up tomorrow if all goes well. After I turn those in, we can officially inquire about the matches sent our way. YAY! Send lots o' prayers!
Biffel Adoption Video from Hannah Biffel on Vimeo.
Biffel Adoption Video from Hannah Biffel on Vimeo.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Home Study Approved!
FYI, we received our Home Study Approval today!! So we are officially headed to completing our family. Here is our Home Study cover sheet for those readers who might have available kiddo's in mind.
18 "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
John 14:18
The Biffel Family
Ft. Worth, TX

Seeking to Adopt
Bobby and Hannah are seeking to adopt children as a sibling group of two or individually, between the ages of 0-10 years. They are open to boys or girls of any bi-racial background. They are excited about providing a forever home and family to the kids that God has chosen for them!
Mom and Dad
Bobby and Hannah have been married for 5 1/2 years. Bobby is a driver for DHL. He loves all sports, is an avid memorabilia collector and enjoys video games as well. Hannah is a LMT/Program Coordinator for Health Care Therapies, a company devoted to providing in home therapies to people with disabilities’. She loves to sing and do creative things. Bobby and Hannah are active in their church and love to fellowship with their church group. They have a large close nit family that live close by with whom they spend time frequently. It doesn’t matter what they are doing, they just like to be together!
Their Home
The Biffel family desires that their home be a place of great joy and unconditional love. They seek to protect, provide structure for, and encourage each child. They are excited about adoption and can’t wait for their family to be made complete.
Fun Times
The Biffel family is full of laughter! They love cracking jokes and watching funny movies regularly. Playing board games or video games is a favorite past time that keeps things lively in the house. They enjoy watching and playing sports, taking road trips, and participating in church activities at Hope Outreach Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Please contact:
Emily Behrens 817-922-6064
Tanya Houk 817-922-6078
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