Wednesday, February 26, 2014

We did it!

To those of you who somehow missed it...


So much has happened over the past month it's unreal. There were times when I thought we'd never make it yet here we are standing in one piece though it took all of the joy, frustration, heartache, pain, blood, sweat, and tears we could muster up. After the holidays and January flying by without hearing anything I'll admit it, I had become cynical about the whole thing. Knowing that we'd followed the voice of God every step of the way and had done everything in our power to get somewhere with the boys caseworker, seemingly to no avail, I was DONE! Physically, mentally, and emotionally done. My heart ached for them and I struggled daily with thoughts that I couldn't put out of my mind. I thought that I could have done more or that maybe I missed what God was saying, it was awful! But it took one prayer and February, the month of love, to change everything!

On Friday January 24th I attended a Bible Study at my brothers house and one of the topics was learning to try God and trust that He can and will resolve any situation so at the end of the meeting, my brother challenged us to take one struggle in our lives and give it to Christ trusting him to fix it within 30 days.  So that's what I did!  I envisioned holding our adoption journey in both hands and literally throwing it at the feet of Christ and that's where I left it.  I was at the end of my rope, there was nothing left in our power that we could do to make things happen, nothing whatsoever, so why not?! Needless to say by that following Monday everything changed.  We got a new adoption caseworker and the boys caseworker FINALLY after all this time broke her silence and contacted our caseworker. I was SHOCKED!  To make a long story short we were eventually included in their staffing three weeks later (meeting of the minds to determine the best family for the kids) and we received recent pictures of them etc. But it wasn't until last Friday, February 21st (3 days before my 30 day challenge was to end) that we received the news that we were indeed selected to be their family and ironically that news came while I was in yet another Bible study at my brothers house.  Haha!  TGBTG!

So the plan for now is they are waiting until school is out for the summer to transition them home to us which we are fine with.  Not only will it give us time to get the house in order, but it will also give us time to spend our last moments as a couple "without" children. What's funny is that Bobby has always hoped that we'd have a summertime transition to make it easier on everyone so I guess God listened to that too and made it happen.  It's true, He gives us the desires of our heart and I stand in awe of Him daily.  He never ceases to amaze me and He's never let me down.


Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward into our future with them.
